Washington, D.C.   20549

                                F O R M  10 - Q

(X) Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of The Securities
    Exchange Act of 1934

For the Quarterly Period Ended June 30, 1996

( ) Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of The Securities 
    Exchange Act of 1934

For the Transition Period From ___________ to _____________

Commission file number 1-5057

                           BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION

            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Delaware                                                     82-0100960

(State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                      Identification No.)

1111 West Jefferson Street
P.O. Box 50
Boise, Idaho                                                 83728-0001

(Address of principal executive offices)                     (Zip Code)

(208) 384-6161

(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X     No ___

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.  

                                                Shares Outstanding
            Class                              as of July 31, 1996
      Common stock, $2.50 par value                 48,469,673

                        PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

                          STATEMENTS OF INCOME (LOSS)

Item 1.     Financial Statements
                                                 Three Months Ended June 30
                                                     1996           1995   
                                                   (expressed in thousands
                                                    except per share data)
  Sales                                            $1,261,510    $1,270,200
  Other income (expense), net                            (620)      (23,120)
                                                   __________    __________
                                                    1,260,890     1,247,080
                                                   __________    __________

Costs and expenses
  Materials, labor, and other operating expenses    1,057,730       931,110
  Depreciation and cost of company timber 
    harvested                                          57,720        60,730
  Selling and administrative expenses                 139,520       105,160
                                                   __________    __________
                                                    1,254,970     1,097,000
                                                   __________    __________

Equity in net income of affiliates                        860        11,880
                                                   __________    __________

Income from operations                                  6,780       161,960
                                                   __________    __________

Interest expense                                      (32,890)      (35,070)
Interest income                                           410           970
Foreign exchange gain (loss)                             (410)           40
Gain on subsidiary's issuance of stock                  1,590        60,000
                                                   __________    __________
                                                      (31,300)       25,940
                                                   __________    __________

Income (loss) before income taxes and
  minority interest                                   (24,520)      187,900

Income tax provision (benefit)                        (10,180)       80,640
                                                   __________    __________
Income (loss) before minority interest                (14,340)      107,260
Minority interest, net of income tax                   (2,610)       (1,340)
                                                   __________    __________
Net income (loss)                                  $  (16,950)   $  105,920

Net income (loss) per common share 
  Primary                                              $ (.55)       $ 1.82

  Fully diluted                                        $ (.55)       $ 1.64

Dividends declared per common share                    $  .15        $  .15

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                            SEGMENT INFORMATION    

                                               Three Months Ended June 30
                                                  1996            1995   
                                                (expressed in thousands)
Segment sales
  Paper and paper products                     $  466,260     $  659,158
  Office products                                 460,767        305,718
  Building products                               410,972        385,039
  Intersegment eliminations and other             (76,489)       (79,715)
                                               __________     __________
                                               $1,261,510     $1,270,200

Segment operating income (loss)
  Paper and paper products                     $  (15,209)    $  132,273
  Office products                                  24,941         13,637
  Building products                                 6,378         22,796
  Equity in net income of affiliates                  860         11,880
  Corporate and other                             (10,190)       (18,626)
                                               __________     __________
    Income from operations                     $    6,780     $  161,960

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                          STATEMENTS OF INCOME (LOSS)

                                                   Six months ended June 30 
                                                     1996            1995   
                                                   (expressed in thousands, 
                                                    except per share data)
  Sales                                          $2,489,110      $2,493,160
  Other income (expense), net                         5,640         (21,250)
                                                 __________      __________
                                                  2,494,750       2,471,910
                                                 __________      __________

Costs and expenses
  Materials, labor, and other
    operating expenses                            2,025,350       1,873,630
  Depreciation and cost of company
    timber harvested                                113,060         121,120
  Selling and administrative expenses               275,330         202,980
                                                 __________      __________
                                                  2,413,740       2,197,730
                                                 __________      __________

Equity in net income of affiliates                    1,950          17,450
                                                 __________      __________

Income from operations                               82,960         291,630
                                                 __________      __________

Interest expense                                    (63,450)        (72,300)
Interest income                                         750           1,280
Foreign exchange gain (loss)                           (660)             40
Gain on subsidiary's issuance of stock                2,020          60,000
                                                 __________      __________
                                                    (61,340)        (10,980)
                                                 __________      __________

Income before income taxes
  and minority interest                              21,620         280,650

Income tax provision                                  7,650         116,350
                                                 __________      __________
Income before minority interest                      13,970         164,300
Minority interest, net of income tax                 (5,410)         (1,340)
                                                 __________      __________
Net income                                       $    8,560      $  162,960

Net income (loss) per common share 
  Primary                                            $ (.23)         $ 2.75

  Fully diluted                                      $ (.23)         $ 2.49

Dividends declared per common share                  $  .30          $  .30

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                            SEGMENT INFORMATION    

                                                 Six Months Ended June 30 
                                                  1996             1995   
                                                 (expressed in thousands)

Segment sales
  Paper and paper products                     $  962,185       $1,253,078
  Office products                                 922,190          609,005
  Building products                               758,929          778,477
  Intersegment eliminations and other            (154,194)        (147,400)    
                                               __________       __________
                                               $2,489,110       $2,493,160

Segment operating income 
  Paper and paper products                     $   38,218       $  230,271
  Office products                                  52,556           26,200
  Building products                                 7,266           46,280
  Equity in net income of affiliates                1,950           17,450
  Corporate and other                             (17,030)         (28,571)
                                               __________       __________
    Income from operations                     $   82,960       $  291,630

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                                BALANCE SHEETS

                                               June 30           December 31
                                         1996          1995          1995   
                                               (expressed in thousands)
  Cash and cash items                 $   55,612    $   37,258   $   36,876
  Short-term investments at cost,
    which approximates market              5,644        39,893       14,593
                                      __________    __________   __________
                                          61,256        77,151       51,469

  Receivables, less allowances of 
    $4,818,000, $2,816,000, and
    $3,577,000                           495,349       458,827      457,608
  Inventories                            576,400       403,215      568,905
  Deferred income tax benefits            59,468        74,934       82,744
  Other                                  150,205        21,996      152,442
                                      __________    __________   __________
                                       1,342,678     1,036,123    1,313,168
                                      __________    __________   __________

  Property and equipment
    Land and land improvements            41,757        38,277       39,482
    Buildings and improvements           483,043       443,372      459,897
    Machinery and equipment            4,578,610     4,156,958    4,271,306
                                      __________    __________   __________
                                       5,103,410     4,638,607    4,770,685
  Accumulated depreciation            (2,241,208)   (2,152,386)  (2,166,487)
                                      __________    __________   __________
                                       2,862,202     2,486,221    2,604,198
  Timber, timberlands, and timber
    deposits                             385,453       409,630      383,394
                                      __________    __________   __________
                                       3,247,655     2,895,851    2,987,592
                                      __________    __________   __________

Investments in equity affiliates          31,142       225,379       25,803
Other assets                             432,545       277,862      329,623
                                      __________    __________   __________
Total assets                          $5,054,020    $4,435,215   $4,656,186

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                                BALANCE SHEETS

                                                 June 30          December 31
                                            1996        1995          1995   
                                               (expressed in thousands)
  Notes payable                          $   88,000 $   110,500  $   17,000
  Current portion of long-term debt          40,654     110,125      20,778
  Income taxes payable                        2,517      15,786      26,328
  Accounts payable                          416,470     326,144     379,523
  Accrued liabilities
    Compensation and benefits               145,506     110,856     159,514
    Interest payable                         31,227      34,361      27,542
    Other                                   132,672     122,560     139,222
                                         __________  __________  __________
                                            857,046     830,332     769,907
                                         __________  __________  __________

  Long-term debt, less current portion    1,679,880   1,264,780   1,364,835
  Guarantee of ESOP debt                    210,453     228,212     213,934
                                         __________  __________  __________
                                          1,890,333   1,492,992   1,578,769
                                         __________  __________  __________
  Deferred income taxes                     279,331     263,324     302,030
  Other long-term liabilities               259,808     282,681     243,259
                                         __________  __________  __________
                                            539,139     546,005     545,289
                                         __________  __________  __________
Minority interest                            73,807      50,941      67,783
                                         __________  __________  __________

Shareholders' equity
  Preferred stock -- no par value;
    10,000,000 shares authorized; 
    Series D ESOP:  $.01 stated
      value; 6,023,923; 6,178,142;
      and 6,117,774 shares outstanding      271,077     278,016     275,300
    Deferred ESOP benefit                  (210,453)   (228,212)   (213,934)
    Series F:  $.01 stated value;
      115,000 shares outstanding
      in each period                        111,043     111,043     111,043
    Series G:  $.01 stated value;
      862,500 shares outstanding
      in each period                        176,404     176,404     176,404
  Common stock -- $2.50 par value;
    200,000,000 shares authorized;
    48,469,108; 47,453,860; and
    47,759,946 shares outstanding           121,173     118,635     119,400
  Additional paid-in capital                230,557     183,458     205,107
  Retained earnings                         993,894     875,601   1,021,118
                                         __________  __________  __________
    Total shareholders' equity            1,693,695   1,514,945   1,694,438
                                         __________  __________  __________
Total liabilities and shareholders'
  equity                                 $5,054,020  $4,435,215  $4,656,186

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

                           STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                    Six Months Ended June 30
                                                         1996       1995   
                                                    (expressed in thousands)
Cash provided by (used for) operations 
  Net income                                          $   8,560 $   162,960
  Items in income not using (providing) cash 
    Equity in net income of affiliates                   (1,950)    (17,450)
    Depreciation and cost of company timber                                
      harvested                                         113,060     121,120
    Deferred income tax provision                         6,785      94,375
    Minority interest, net of income tax                  5,410       1,340
    Amortization and other                               11,048      31,570
  Gain on subsidiary's issuance of stock                 (2,020)    (60,000)
  Receivables                                             2,538     (47,959)
  Inventories                                            19,610      21,765
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities              (19,105)     19,789
  Current and deferred income taxes                     (51,297)     17,457
  Other                                                     191        (313)
                                                     __________  __________
    Cash provided by operations                          92,830     344,654
                                                     __________  __________

Cash provided by (used for) investment 
  Expenditures for property and equipment              (346,449)   (112,089)
  Expenditures for timber and timberlands                (3,668)     (3,256)
  Investments in equity affiliates, net                  (3,009)      2,100
  Purchase of facilities                               (139,188)     (9,338)
  Other                                                  23,081     (14,412)
                                                     __________  __________
    Cash used for investment                           (469,233)   (136,995)
                                                     __________  __________

Cash provided by (used for) financing 
  Cash dividends paid
    Common stock                                        (14,368)    (12,798)
    Preferred stock                                     (22,261)    (26,339)
                                                     __________  __________
                                                        (36,629)    (39,137)
  Notes payable                                          71,000      54,500
  Additions to long-term debt                           424,693        -   
  Payments of long-term debt                            (89,772)   (308,777)
  Subsidiary's issuance of stock                           -        123,076
  Other                                                  16,898      10,376
                                                     __________  __________
    Cash provided by (used for) financing               386,190    (159,962)
                                                     __________  __________

Increase in cash and short-term 
  investments                                             9,787      47,697

Balance at beginning of the year                         51,469      29,454
                                                     __________  __________

Balance at June 30                                   $   61,256  $   77,151

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Notes to Quarterly Financial Statements

(1)   BASIS OF PRESENTATION.  The quarterly financial statements have been
      prepared by the Company pursuant to the rules and regulations of the
      Securities and Exchange Commission.  Certain information and footnote
      disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in
      accordance with generally accepted accounting principles have been
      condensed or omitted pursuant to such rules and regulations.  These
      statements should be read together with the statements and the accom-
      panying notes included in the Company's 1995 Annual Report. 

      The quarterly financial statements have not been audited by independent
      public accountants, but in the opinion of management, all adjustments
      necessary to present fairly the results for the periods have been
      included.  The net income for the three and six months ended June 30,
      1996 and 1995, was subject to seasonal variations and necessarily
      involved estimates and accruals.  Except as may be disclosed within
      these "Notes to Quarterly Financial Statements," the adjustments made
      were of a normal, recurring nature.  Quarterly results are not
      necessarily indicative of results that may be expected for the year.

(2)   NET INCOME (LOSS) PER COMMON SHARE.  Net income (loss) per common share
      was determined by dividing net income, as adjusted, by applicable shares
      outstanding.  For the three and six months ended June 30, 1996, the
      computation of fully diluted net loss per share was antidilutive;
      therefore, amounts reported for primary and fully diluted loss were the

      For the six months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, primary average shares
      included common shares outstanding and, if dilutive, common stock
      equivalents attributable to stock options, Series E conversion preferred
      stock prior to converting to shares of the Company's common stock on
      January 15, 1995, and Series G conversion preferred stock.  For the six
      months ended June 30, 1996, common stock equivalents attributable to
      stock options and the effect of the Series G conversion preferred stock
      were antidilutive.  Accordingly, 7,449,000 common equivalent shares are
      excluded for that period.  In addition to common and common equivalent
      shares, fully diluted average shares include common shares that would be
      issuable upon conversion of the Company's other convertible securities.

                                                   Six Months Ended June 30
                                                      1996           1995  
                                                   (expressed in thousands)

      Net income as reported                       $   8,560      $ 162,960
        Preferred dividends                          (19,640)       (12,777)
                                                   _________      _________
      Primary income (loss)                          (11,080)       150,183
        Assumed conversions:
          Preferred dividends eliminated              14,235          7,372
          Interest on 7% debentures eliminated          -             1,697
        Supplemental ESOP contribution                (6,343)        (6,302)
                                                   _________      _________
      Fully diluted income (loss)                  $  (3,188)     $ 152,950

      Average number of common shares
        Primary                                       48,080         54,547

        Fully diluted                                 60,492         61,406

      Primary income excludes and primary loss includes the aggregate amount
      of dividends on the Company's preferred stock, if dilutive.  The
      dividend attributable to the Company's Series D convertible preferred
      stock held by the Company's ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) is net
      of a tax benefit.  To determine the fully diluted income (loss),
      dividends on convertible preferred stock and interest, net of any
      applicable taxes, have been added back to primary income (loss) to
      reflect assumed conversions.  The fully diluted income was reduced by
      and the fully diluted loss was increased by the after-tax amount of
      additional contributions that the Company would be required to make to

      its ESOP if the Series D ESOP preferred shares were converted to common
(3)   INVENTORIES.  Inventories include the following:  

                                                   June 30      December 31
                                              1996       1995      1995    
                                                 (expressed in thousands)

      Finished goods and work in process    $431,917   $276,791    $394,163
      Logs                                    87,383     53,206     116,959
      Other raw materials and supplies       167,850    168,333     175,877
      LIFO reserve                          (110,750)   (95,115)   (118,094)
                                            ________   ________    ________
                                            $576,400   $403,215    $568,905

(4)   INCOME TAXES.  The estimated tax provision rate, excluding the effect of
      not providing taxes related to "Gain on subsidiary's issuance of stock,"
      for the first six months of 1996 was 39%.  The estimated tax provision
      rate for the first six months of 1995, before any effects of unusual
      items, was 38%.  

(5)   DEBT.  At June 30, 1996, the Company had a $600 million revolving credit
      agreement with a group of banks.  Borrowing under the agreement was
      $100 million.  In the first quarter of 1996, the Company guaranteed
      amounts outstanding under a loan agreement between a group of banks and
      a wholly owned subsidiary.  At June 30, 1996, amounts outstanding under
      this agreement were $199.8 million. Additionally, the Company's
      majority-owned subsidiary, Boise Cascade Office Products Corporation
      ("BCOP"), had a $350 million revolving credit agreement with a group of
      banks.  Borrowing under this agreement was $100 million.  On June 5,
      1996, the revolving credit agreement was amended to extend the
      termination date from June 30, 1999, to June 30, 2001, and the aggregate
      of all commitments that can be outstanding was increased from
      $225 million to $350 million.

      On January 24, 1996, the Company sold $125 million of 7.35% debentures
      due 2016. 

(6)   BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS CORPORATION.  During the first six months
      of 1996, BCOP, the Company's majority-owned subsidiary, made seven
      acquisitions which were accounted for under the purchase method of
      accounting.  Accordingly, the purchase prices were allocated to the
      assets acquired and liabilities assumed based upon their estimated fair
      values.  The excess of the purchase price over the estimated fair value
      of the net assets acquired was recorded as goodwill and is being
      amortized over 40 years.  The results of operations of the acquired
      businesses are included in BCOP's operations subsequent to the dates of

      On January 31, 1996, BCOP acquired the contract stationer business of
      Sierra Vista Office Products, Inc., based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 
      On February 5, 1996, BCOP acquired Grand & Toy Limited, a Canadian
      office products distributor.  On February 9, 1996, BCOP acquired the
      contract stationer businesses of Loring, Short & Harmon, Inc., based in
      Portland, Maine, and McAuliffe's based in Burlington, Vermont.  On
      March 29, 1996, BCOP acquired the contract stationer and office
      furniture business of Office Essentials based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 
      On April 26, 1996, BCOP acquired the contract stationer business of
      Crawford's Office Supplies based in Seattle, Washington.  On May 31,
      1996, BCOP acquired the contract stationer business of Zemlick Brothers,
      Inc., based in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  These acquisitions, including 
      Grand & Toy, were purchased for cash of $130.9 million, $1.6 million 
      of BCOP's common stock issued to the sellers, and the recording of 
      $19.3 million of liabilities. 

      Unaudited pro forma results of operations, reflecting these
      acquisitions, would have been as follows.  If these businesses had been
      acquired on January 1, 1996, the Company's sales for the first six
      months of 1996 would have increased by $34 million, net income and
      primary and fully diluted earnings per common share would have been
      unchanged.  If these businesses had been acquired on January 1, 1995,
      the Company's sales for the first six months of 1995 would have
      increased by $135 million, net income would have decreased by
      $3 million, and primary and fully diluted earnings per common share
      would have decreased by $.05.  In the first quarter of 1995, Grand & Toy
      Limited recorded a restructuring charge.  Excluding the impact of this
      restructuring charge, pro forma net income and earnings per share would
      have been essentially the same as the historical amounts reported for
      the six months ended June 30, 1995.  This unaudited pro forma financial
      information does not necessarily represent the actual consolidated
      results of operations that would have resulted if the acquisitions had
      occurred on the dates assumed.

      The Company also started up office products distribution centers in
      Las Vegas, Nevada, and Miami, Florida, in the second quarter of 1996. 
      On July 1, 1996, the Company acquired the contract stationer business of
      Pedersen Contact based in Melbourne, Australia.  At the time of
      announcement of this acquisition, annualized sales were approximately
      US$49 million.

      In April, BCOP's board of directors authorized a two-for-one split of
      BCOP common stock in the form of a 100% stock dividend.  Each BCOP
      shareholder of record at the close of business on May 6, 1996, received
      one additional share for each share held on that date.  The new shares
      were distributed on May 20, 1996.

(7)   SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY.  On January 15, 1995, the Company's Series E
      preferred stock converted to 8,625,000 shares of common stock.

      In October 1995, the Company announced that its board of directors had
      authorized the Company to purchase up to 4,300,000 shares of its common
      stock or common stock equivalents.  In April 1996, the Company announced
      that because of recent weakness in paper and wood products markets, it
      had slowed the purchase of its common stock or common stock equivalents.
      The repurchase program was to be in effect for 12 to 18 months, but that
      period may be extended.  Since October 1995, the Company purchased
      621,795 shares of stock through June 30, 1996.

(8)   INVESTMENTS IN EQUITY AFFILIATES. In October 1994, Rainy River Forest
      Products Inc. ("Rainy River"), the Company's former Canadian subsidiary,
      completed an initial public offering of units of its equity and debt
      securities.  As a result of the offering, the Company owned 49% of the
      outstanding voting common shares and 60% of the total equity of Rainy
      River.  During 1995, Rainy River was accounted for on the equity method
      in the Company's consolidated financial statements.  For the three and
      six months ended June 30, 1995, Rainy River's results of operations were
      included in "Equity in net income of affiliates."  In November 1995, the
      Company divested its remaining interest in Rainy River through Rainy
      River's merger with Stone-Consolidated Corporation.  At June 30, 1996,
      the Company held 6,646,217 shares of Stone-Consolidated common stock,
      representing less than 10% of Stone-Consolidated's outstanding common
      stock.  In addition, the Company held 801,560 shares of
      Stone-Consolidated's redeemable preferred stock.  The Company accounts
      for its holdings in Stone-Consolidated on the cost method.  The
      investment in Stone-Consolidated stock totaled $94.4 million at June 30,
      1996.  The investment has been classified as available for sale and is
      being marked to market.  At June 30, 1996, "Retained Earnings" was
      reduced by $9.8 million, including the impact of foreign currency
      translation and deferred income taxes, for this market adjustment.

      On October 16, 1995, the Company announced its intent to form a joint
      venture with Companhia Suzano de Papel e Celulose ("Suzano"), a
      Brazilian pulp and paper producer, to acquire, operate, and expand the
      Company's pulp and paper mill, timberlands, sawmill, and wastepaper
      recycling plant in Jackson, Alabama.  In April 1996, the Company
      announced that it had discontinued talks with Suzano regarding formation
      of the joint venture.  Regardless, the Company will complete the
      expansion of the mill, including construction of a new uncoated free
      sheet paper machine, which represents a $290 million capital investment.
      The Company will consider other financing alternatives, but there is no
      assurance that any such alternative will be acceptable to the Company. 
      The new paper machine should begin production in the second quarter of

(9)   OTHER.  In April 1996, the Company completed the previously announced
      reconfiguration of its Vancouver, Washington, paper mill by permanently
      shutting down the mill's three paper machines and recycled wastepaper
      operations.  The mill will operate as a paper converting facility,
      converting papers made elsewhere by the Company primarily into security
      papers.  In the fourth quarter of 1995, the Company recorded a pretax
      charge of $74.9 million, most of which was related to the
      reconfiguration of this mill. 

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Results of Operations

Second Quarter of 1996, Compared With Second Quarter of 1995

Boise Cascade Corporation's net loss for the second quarter of 1996 was
$17.0 million, compared with net income of $105.9 million for the second
quarter of 1995.  Primary and fully diluted loss per common share for the
second quarter of 1996 were $.55.  For the same quarter in 1995, primary
earnings per common share were $1.82, while fully diluted earnings per common
share were $1.64.  Sales for the second quarter of 1996 and 1995 were
$1.3 billion.

The Company's paper segment reported an operating loss of $15.2 million in the
second quarter of 1996, compared with operating income of $151.3 million
before reserves of $19 million for the write-down of certain paper-related
assets in the second quarter of 1995.  Sales fell 29% to $466.3 million in the
second quarter of 1996 from $659.2 million in the second quarter of 1995.  The
decline in results was due primarily to a decrease in orders for paper and
lower paper prices.  Average prices for most of the Company's paper grades
declined from second-quarter 1995 levels.  Uncoated free sheet papers fell
$217 a ton, or 22%; coated papers fell $149 a ton, or 15%; containerboard fell
$166 a ton, or 35%; newsprint rose $37 a ton, or 7%; and market pulp fell $382
a ton, or 57%. Sales volumes for the second quarter of 1996 were 656,000 tons,
compared with 742,000 tons in the second quarter of 1995.  During the second
quarter of this year, production downtime totaled 75,000 tons, including a
significant amount of maintenance downtime at two mills.

In April 1996, the Company completed the previously announced reconfiguration
of its Vancouver, Washington, paper mill by permanently shutting down the
mill's three paper machines and recycled wastepaper operations.  The mill will
operate as a paper converting facility, converting papers made elsewhere by
the Company primarily into security papers.  In the fourth quarter of 1995,
the Company recorded a pretax charge of $74.9 million, most of which was
related to the reconfiguration of this mill. 

Paper segment manufacturing costs in the second quarter of 1996 were $594 per
ton compared with $579 per ton in the comparison quarter.  The increase is
primarily due to fixed costs being spread over a smaller number of tons of
paper produced.

Operating income in the office products segment improved in the second quarter
of 1996 to $24.9 million, compared with $13.6 million in the prior-year
quarter.  Total sales rose 51% to $460.8 million, compared with $305.7 million
in the second quarter of 1995.  The growth in sales resulted from increased
national account business, continued growth in the Company's direct marketing
business, product line extensions, and acquisitions.  Excluding the effect of
acquisitions since March 31, 1995, sales increased 10% in the second quarter
of 1996 compared with sales in the second quarter of 1995.  Operating margins
were significantly higher in the second quarter of 1996 relative to the year-
ago second quarter primarily because of improved margins on office papers. 
For the second quarter of 1996, the operating margin was 5.4% compared with
4.2% in the prior year second quarter.

Building products operating income decreased from $23.0 million for the year-
ago second quarter to $6.4 million in the second quarter of 1996.  Results for
the quarter just ended were weaker than those of a year ago, largely because
of lower prices for plywood and residual wood chips.  Relative to the year-ago
quarter, average prices for lumber increased 3%, while plywood prices
decreased 11%.  Unit sales volume for lumber increased 7%, while plywood sales
volume increased 12% compared with the year-ago volume.  In the engineered
wood products business, sales increased 43% while the price for I-joists
declined 2% compared with last year.  Sales for the building products segment
increased 7% to $411.0 million in the second quarter of 1996 from
$385.0 million in the second quarter of 1995.  For the second quarter of 1996,
building materials distribution sales were up 25% from the comparison quarter,
while income more than doubled.

In October 1994, Rainy River Forest Products Inc. ("Rainy River"), the
Company's former Canadian subsidiary, completed an initial public offering of
units of its equity and debt securities.  As a result of the offering, the
Company owned 49% of the outstanding voting common shares and 60% of the total
equity of Rainy River.  During 1995, Rainy River was accounted for on the
equity method in the Company's consolidated financial statements.  For the
three and six months ended June 30, 1995, Rainy River's results of operations
were included in "Equity in net income of affiliates."  In November 1995, the
Company divested its remaining interest in Rainy River through Rainy River's
merger with Stone-Consolidated Corporation.  At June 30, 1996, the Company
held 6,646,217 shares of Stone-Consolidated common stock, representing less
than 10% of Stone-Consolidated's outstanding common stock.  In addition, the
Company held 801,560 shares of Stone-Consolidated's redeemable preferred
stock.  The Company accounts for its holdings in Stone-Consolidated on the
cost method.  The investment in Stone-Consolidated stock totaled $94.4 million
at June 30, 1996.  The investment has been classified as available for sale
and is being marked to market.  At June 30, 1996, "Retained Earnings" has been
reduced by $9.8 million, including the impact of foreign currency translation
and deferred income taxes, for this market adjustment.

Interest expense was $32.9 million in the second quarter of 1996, compared
with $35.1 million in the same period last year.  The Company's debt is
predominately fixed rate.  Consequently, when there are changes in short-term
market interest rates, the Company experiences only modest changes in interest

Six Months Ended June 30, 1996, Compared With Six Months Ended June 30, 1995

The Company had net income of $8.6 million for the first six months of 1996,
compared with net income of $163.0 million for the first six months of 1995. 
Primary and fully diluted loss per common share for the first six months of
1996 were $.23.  Primary earnings per common share for 1995 were $2.75 and
fully diluted earnings per common share were $2.49.  Sales for the first six
months of 1996 and 1995 were $2.5 billion.

Operating income in the Company's paper and paper products segment was $38.2
million for the first six months of 1996, compared with $249.3 million, before
considering a $19 million reserve for the write-down of certain paper-related
assets, for the first six months of 1995.  Average prices for nearly all of
the Company's paper grades decreased sharply during the first six months of
1996, compared with a year ago.

Paper segment manufacturing costs for the first six months of 1996 were $593
per ton compared with $571 per ton in the comparison period.  The increase is
primarily due to fixed costs being spread over a smaller number of tons of
paper produced.

Paper segment sales declined 23% to $1 billion for the six months ended
June 30, 1996, compared with sales of $1.3 billion for the six months ended
June 30, 1995.  Sales volumes for the first six months of 1996 were 1,258,000
tons, compared with 1,481,000 tons for the first six months of 1995.

Office products segment income for the first six months of 1996 was $52.6
million, double that of the $26.2 million reported for the first six months of

Segment sales were up 51% to $922.2 million for the first six months of 1996,
compared with $609.0 million for the first six months of 1995.  The
significant improvement in sales was largely the result of increased national
account business, continued growth in direct marketing, product line
extensions, and acquisitions.  Same location sales increased 14%.  Operating
margins increased to 5.7% in the first six months of 1996, from 4.1% in 1995. 
The increase was primarily the result of improved margins in office paper and
improved margins in the Company's national account business. 

Operating income for the Company's Building Products segment dropped from
$46.3 million reported in the first six months of 1995 to $7.3 million in the
first six months of 1996.  The decrease was mainly due to lower prices for
plywood and residual wood chips.  Segment sales decreased 3% in the first six
months of 1996 to $758.9 million from $778.5 million in the first six months
of 1995.  Plywood sales volumes were up 7% while lumber sales were down 1%
compared to those of the same period last year.  Building materials
distribution sales were up 13%, while income was up 58%.

Total long- and short-term debt outstanding was $2.0 billion at June 30, 1996,
compared with $1.6 billion at December 31, 1995.  

Financial Condition

At June 30, 1996, the Company had working capital of $485.6 million.  Working
capital was $205.8 million at June 30, 1995, and $543.3 million at
December 31, 1995.  Cash provided by operations was $92.8 million for the
first six months of 1996, compared with $344.7 million for the same period in

The Company's revolving credit agreement requires the Company to maintain a
minimum amount of net worth and not to exceed a maximum ratio of debt to net
worth.  The Company's net worth at June 30, 1996, exceeded the defined minimum
amount by $137 million.  The payment of dividends by the Company is dependent
upon the existence of and the amount of net worth in excess of the defined
minimum under this agreement.  The Company is also required to maintain a
defined minimum interest coverage in each successive four-quarter period.  The
Company met this requirement at June 30, 1996.  In July 1996, Moody's
Investors Service (Moody's) announced that it had placed the credit ratings of
the Company under review for possible downgrade. 

Capital expenditures for the first six months of 1996 and 1995 were
$510.9 million and $124.7 million.  Capital expenditures for the year ended
December 31, 1995, were $427.5 million.  The increase in capital expenditures
is primarily due to acquisitions by the Company's majority-owned subsidiary,
Boise Cascade Office Products Corporation, and capital spending related to the
Jackson, Alabama, paper mill expansion.

On October 16, 1995, the Company announced its intent to form a joint venture
with Companhia Suzano de Papel e Celulose ("Suzano"), a Brazilian pulp and
paper producer, to acquire, operate, and expand the Company's pulp and paper
mill, timberlands, sawmill, and wastepaper recycling plant in Jackson,
Alabama.  In April 1996, the Company announced that it had discontinued talks
with Suzano regarding formation of the joint venture.  Regardless, the Company
will complete the expansion of the mill, including construction of a new
uncoated free sheet paper machine, which represents a $290 million capital
investment.  The Company will consider other financing alternatives, but there
is no assurance that any such alternative will be acceptable to the Company. 
The new paper machine should begin production in the second quarter of 1997.

An expanded discussion and analysis of financial condition is presented on
pages 18 and 19 of the Company's 1995 Annual Report under the captions
"Financial Condition" and "Capital Investment." 

Market Conditions

If market conditions improve, paper prices stabilize, and significant
production downtime is averted, the Company's paper business could earn a
modest operating profit in the third quarter.  The office products business is
expected to continue to perform well and the performance of the building
products business should be on par with that of the quarter just ended.

                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

Reference is made to the Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the
quarter ended March 31, 1996, for information concerning certain legal

As reported in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended
December 31, 1995, the Company has been notified that it is a "potentially
responsible party" under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) or similar federal and state laws with
respect to a number of sites where hazardous substances or other contaminants
are located.  In 1993, the Company filed a lawsuit in State District Court in
Boise, Idaho, against its current and previous insurance carriers seeking
insurance coverage for response costs the Company has incurred or may incur at
these sites.  The Company has settled with most carriers, and settlement
negotiations with the remaining two carriers are currently in progress.  The
trial, originally set for June 3, 1996, has been continued pending further
settlement efforts.  The Company cannot predict with certainty the total
response and remedial costs, the Company's share of the total costs, the
extent to which contributions will be available from other parties, or the
amount of time necessary to complete the cleanups.  However, based on the
Company's investigations, the Company's experience with respect to cleanup of
hazardous substances, the fact that expenditures will, in many cases, be
incurred over extended periods of time, and the number of solvent potentially
responsible parties, the Company does not presently believe that the known
actual and potential response costs will, in the aggregate, have a material
adverse effect on its financial condition or the results of operations.

The Company is involved in other litigation and administrative proceedings
primarily arising in the normal course of its business.  In the opinion of
management, the Company's recovery, if any, or the Company's liability, if
any, under any pending litigation or administrative proceedings, including
that described in the preceding paragraph, would not materially affect its
financial condition or operations.

Item 2.  Changes in Securities

The payment of dividends by the Company is dependent upon the existence of and
the amount of net worth in excess of the defined minimum under the Company's
revolving credit agreement.  At June 30, 1996, under this agreement, the
Company's net worth exceeded the defined minimum amount by $137 million.

Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities

Not applicable.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

The Company held its annual shareholders meeting on April 19, 1996.  A total
of 54,823,916 shares of common and preferred stock were outstanding and
entitled to vote at the meeting.  Of the total outstanding, 49,782,993 shares
were represented at the meeting and 5,040,923 shares were not voted.

Shareholders cast votes for election of the following directors whose terms
expire in 1999:

                                    In Favor             Withheld 

Robert K. Jaedicke                 48,830,301              952,692
Paul J. Phoenix                    48,840,838              942,155
Frank A. Shrontz                   48,956,824              826,169
Ward W. Woods, Jr.                 48,737,332            1,045,661

Continuing in office are Anne L. Armstrong, Robert E. Coleman, A. William
Reynolds, and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., whose terms expire in 1998, and
George J. Harad, Donald S. Macdonald, James A. McClure, Jane E. Shaw, and
Edson W. Spencer whose terms expire in 1997.

The shareholders also ratified the appointment of Arthur Andersen LLP, as the
Company's independent auditors for the year 1996 with votes cast 49,140,602
for, 424,275 against, and 218,116 abstained.

The shareholders approved an amendment to the 1984 Key Executive Stock Option
Plan (KESOP) with votes cast 39,289,188 for, 8,437,351 against, and 1,445,950
abstained.  The amendment increased by 1,100,000 the number of shares of the
Company's common stock which may be available under the plan.  As a result, a
total of 1,532,434 shares of the Company's common stock will be available for
issuance pursuant to exercise of options which may be granted under the KESOP.

Item 5.  Other Information

Not applicable.

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

      (a)   Exhibits.

            A list of the exhibits required to be filed as part of this report
            is set forth in the Index to Exhibits, which immediately precedes
            such exhibits and is incorporated herein by this reference. 

      (b)   Reports on Form 8-K.  

            No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the quarter ended
            June 30, 1996.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized. 

                                                 BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION    

      As Duly Authorized Officer and
      Chief Accounting Officer:                  /s/Tom E. Carlile            
                                                 Tom E. Carlile               
                                                 Vice President and Controller

Date:  August 12, 1996

                           BOISE CASCADE CORPORATION
                               INDEX TO EXHIBITS
                 Filed With the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                      for the Quarter Ended June 30, 1996

Number     Description                                     Page Number    

12         Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges                     
27         Financial Data Schedule                                

                                                                                               EXHIBIT 12

                                   Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges

Six Months Year Ended December 31 Ended June 30 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 1996 (dollar amounts expressed in thousands) Interest costs $ 201,006 $ 191,026 $ 172,170 $ 169,170 $ 154,469 $ 82,027 $ 72,460 Interest capitalized during the period 6,498 3,972 2,036 1,630 3,549 1,472 7,200 Interest factor related to noncapitalized leases(1) 5,019 7,150 7,485 9,161 8,600 4,829 6,258 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Total fixed charges $ 212,523 $ 202,148 $ 181,691 $ 179,961 $ 166,618 $ 88,328 $ 85,918 Income (loss) before income taxes and minority interest $(128,140)$(252,510) $(125,590) $ (64,750) $ 589,410 $ 280,650 $ 21,620 Undistributed (earnings) losses of less than 50% owned persons, net of distributions received (1,865) (2,119) (922) (1,110) (36,861) (15,350) (300) Total fixed charges 212,523 202,148 181,691 179,961 166,618 88,328 85,918 Less: Interest capitalized (6,498) (3,972) (2,036) (1,630) (3,549) (1,472) (7,200) Guarantee of interest on ESOP debt (24,283) (23,380) (22,208) (20,717) (19,339) (9,727) (9,010) _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Total earnings (losses) before fixed charges $ 51,737 $ (79,833) $ 30,935 $ 91,754 $ 696,279 $ 342,429 $ 91,028 Ratio of earnings to fixed charges(2) - - - - 4.18 3.88 1.06 (1) Interest expense for operating leases with terms of one year or longer is based on an imputed interest rate for each lease. (2) Earnings before fixed charges were inadequate to cover total fixed charges by $160,786,000, $281,981,000, $150,756,000, and $88,207,000 for the years ended December 31, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994.

5 The data schedule contains summary financial information extracted from Boise Cascade Corporation's Balance Sheet at June 30, 1996, and from its Statement of Income for the six months ended June 30, 1996. The information presented is qualified in its entirety by reference to such financial statements. 1,000 6-MOS DEC-31-1996 JUN-30-1996 55,612 5,644 495,349 4,818 576,400 1,342,678 5,488,863 2,241,208 5,054,020 857,046 1,890,333 0 558,524 121,173 1,013,998 5,054,020 2,489,110 2,494,750 2,138,410 2,138,410 275,330 0 63,450 21,620 7,650 8,560 0 0 0 8,560 (.23) (.23)